
Abraham’s Testimony

Abraham asked to share his testimony here. I had always had a mother and grandmother that are saved trying to share Jesus with me, especially my grandmother. I was never bad in school, and from 6th to 8th grade I attended catholic school. This whole time I never had been saved. When I reached High school I began to use drugs, and it began by just experimenting.

I also got in with the local gang by the age of 15 yrs. old. Actually now it is a nationwide organization that operates a huge drug ring across the country. But nevertheless, I believe that God Almighty’s hand was upon my life. You know you think that before you got saved, that God was this far off unreachable being, and that you done so much wrong that there is no hope of this heaven you had seldom heard about, as it were in my case.

Through looking back I can see God, I can see him with me. When I was robbing and jumping people. At the parties smoking marijuana and drinking 40 oz.’s of Ides, and I can especially see Him when I myself had been robbed and on the nights where I just hated myself so much I would curl up and hope to die. See satan had become my god. Even though I thought I was ruler of my own life, I thought that everything was in my hands. Satan had taken and stripped me of all hope, joy peace, love that was ever in me. There were literally nights where I was afraid, I didn’t know who I had become or what was going to happen tomorrow. “will tomorrow be my last day here?”

“is the prison vacating a cell for me?” ” Is this really all that life has to offer?” There were nights where I just wanted to feel tears stream down my face, I longed for them…I wanted to know that I wasn’t a monster…that

I was really able to feel emotion again….but the tears never came. Hopelessness controlled me, no sense of meaning or purpose in my life. I had money, popularity, respect caused simply by fear, and I had females whenever I wanted….but still I wasn’t satisfied….but a few years later I found out that there is someone who sticks closer than a brother, closer than any home boy you could ever have. Someone who WANTED give me my joy and love and yes even my tears back…. JESUS CHRIST…. ripped from my chest a heart of stone….and gave me a heart of flesh… He gave me a new start….

And whoever is reading this if your not saved…He is ready to do that for you also…You don’t have to changed…just except Him just as you are…He loves you just the way you are…if you don’t know how just say like I said…

“God Im hurting…I realize that Im not the god of my life…I tried living life my way and it is not working…. God I come to you… I want Jesus to come into my heart and changed me…. like you did Abraham…. make me whole again… I believe you died for my sins Jesus, I believe you healed my body and brokenness at calvary… and I believe you ascended into heaven and are now seated at the right hand of God praying for me. I declare you as Lord and Savior of my life. Forgive me my sins Jesus and cleanse me with your shed blood… I am now a child of God… I have eternal life… All because of you Jesus…. thank you … in Jesus name I pray…amen.

If you prayed that prayer… Hallelujah… your my brother and my sister…. you will no longer be the same person you were in Jesus name….  I encourage you to send in your testimony through an E-mail… let a brother or sister know your in the family now. May God bless you and help you to grow through His word and through your relationship with Him in prayer… In Jesus name….

Welcome to a new life that you never dreamed possible…