Some people go fishing with a simple cane pole and some worms or other fish bait attached to the hook. Other people go fishing with expensive rods and reels, lures of all sorts and colors, and even high-tech gadgets to measure the water depths.

People who really get into the sport of fishing may visit stores where shelves and counters are overflowing with gadgets, tools, and other aids to making it fun to fish.

For fishing on the side of a local canal, it’s probably not necessary to use all the gadgets, but if you’re fishing in a boat out in the ocean, the cane pole will be less than you need.

If your fishing is for people, what kind of “equipment” do you need?

The most important piece of equipment is you—a person with an authentic, up-to-date, daily relationship with Jesus Christ.

Along the way, other items may be helpful. For example, Jesus asked the Samaritan woman at the well for a cup of water. That started a conversation that changed her life and that of many in her home town. On a couple of other occasions, Jesus Christ changed bread and fish into enough quantity to feed thousands of people. They were amazed at what He did and spread the word in their communities.

Now you may not be able to transform bread and fish into a banquet, but taking a friend to lunch may be the starting point for some meaningful, well-timed conversation. You may help a friend work on his car or paint his house or maybe even take the friend’s kids to a ball game.

How does this serve as “equipment”, you ask? You are showing, love, interest, caring, friendship,  acceptance.

Your Bible is also an important piece of equipment—not to wave it at your friend but to study it and know what it has to say about God’s plan for our lives.

Your car may be another piece of equipment—giving your friend a ride to work or a ride to church or to that lunch you have planned for him.

As you listen to your friend with your heart as well as your ears, God will give you clues and hints about what “equipment” will be helpful in sharing your faith.

Most important, remember that Christ has told us to “serve”…that means being available to help others rather than expecting the reverse. God equips His servants for those work assignments He gives us, including fishing for others.