Psalm 51:10 “Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me.”

Have you lost your passion for the Lord? It’ happens to the best of us. We are either born into Christianity or we choose to accept the Lord into our lives at some point in our lifetime. When we are “new” to Christianity we are like sponges soaking up water. We try to absorb as much information as possible so we can become closer to the Lord.

In the beginning, we read our Bible’s, attend church, sign up for a prayer group, host prayer group at our homes, become involved in the congregation and attend every retreat possible. We feel on top of the world and filled with peace, love, and joy.

After a while life begins to get in the way of our passion for the Lord. Suddenly we can’t attend prayer group anymore because we have to work late. Then we skip a few Sundays at church because we are overworked. Before we know it, attending church and prayer group along with reading our Bible has become a great memory we used to enjoy.

If you yearn to get back that passion you had, it’s time to make a change. It’s time to renew your passion. There are a few things you can do to get started back on your path with the Lord. The first thing you need to do is find time in your schedule for the Lord.

At first, this might not be easy, especially if you have an unusual work schedule. But, you can certainly wake up 10 minutes early to read a Psalm and pray before you start your day. You can also start attending prayer group on your day off. If there isn’t one available on your day off, you can start your own prayer group at your house.

Next, you need to get back to church on Sundays. Some churches provide you the option of attending service at different times of the day on Sundays. Choose the one that fits your schedule and lifestyle the best.

By now, you are reading your Bible, praying, attending prayer group and church on Sundays again. Your next step is to find a story in the Bible that you are not familiar with and begin discovering it’s meaning and attending Bible study to learn more. There is so much to learn in the Bible. Get started renewing your passion today!