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As a parent, we try our best to guide our children in the right direction. We teach them right from wrong, introduce the Lord into their lives and teach them lessons along the way. When children are young they tend to listen to our teachings. But, as they grow older, they have a mind of their own and like to test the limits.

Any parent who has a teenager will understand the struggle of guiding our children on the right path and hoping they choose to listen to our advice. There are plenty of times teenagers especially want to do things their way and ignore our advice. It’s true they will learn from their mistakes, but the stress we feel trying to protect them from that mistake is overwhelming. Sometimes we tend to try to control the situation by telling our children, “you live under my roof, so it’s my way or the highway.”

Now, think about this for a moment. We are all God’s children. He has provided us with the Holy Bible so we can live a good life filled with love, happiness, and abundance. The Bible also has instructions and advice on how to overcome difficulties in life. It’s similar to us as parents trying to guide our children so they can have a good life.

So, how do you think the Lord feels when we refuse to read the Bible or follow any instruction He has provided? Perhaps he feels like we do as parents? It’s a possibility, right? Chances are he is concerned with the decisions we make and the paths we choose.

If the Lord stood in front of us the way we do in front of our own children he would most likely tell us, “My Way Is The Highway.” Those few words are so powerful because they are true.

This means we should take a look at our own lives. Are we living the way the Lord intended for us? Are we following the commandments? If not, we certainly better get started.

It is essential for us as Christians to continue learning and growing. We need to read the Bible and think about the scriptures deeply. Most of all we need to apply the lessons from the Bible to our own lives. An excellent way to get started is to attend church services this Sunday and pay attention to the sermon.

Wilson Alvarez, a lover of Jesus Christ had an early experience where he had a vision of the Risen Lord & instantaneously became a believer at the prime age of 3. Throughout his young life, he always felt protection and blessings and even though was not walking with the Lord, always acknowledged his blessings. It was when he turned 30, that he became a follower and prayed based on John 3:3 – “In order to enter the Kingdom of God, you must be born again.” Mr. Alvarez enjoys Men’s ministries and is active in the prison ministry movement where he gives weekly leadership and christian talks. For ministry opportunities, please reach him at