God Made Us to Be Meek a story by Wilson Alvarez

Meekness is often misunderstood in today’s fast-paced, success-driven world. Many equate meekness with weakness or passivity, but the true essence of being meek is far more profound and powerful. According to the dictionary, meekness is defined as being quiet, gentle, and submissive. However, in the biblical context, it encompasses humility, patience, and a deep trust in God.

In the Bible, meekness is praised as a virtue and is closely linked to righteousness and faith. Jesus himself highlighted the importance of meekness in the Beatitudes, where he said, “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth” (Matthew 5:5). This statement underlines that those who embody meekness will be rewarded, not in worldly terms, but with a divine inheritance.

Throughout the scriptures, we find numerous references to meekness. In Psalm 37:11, it is written, “But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy peace and prosperity.” This verse echoes the sentiment that meekness brings about divine favor and peace. Another example is in James 1:21, which advises believers to “receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.” Here, meekness is associated with receiving God’s word and salvation.

In modern times, living meekly can seem counterintuitive. We are often taught to assert ourselves, chase after success, and prioritize our desires. However, embracing meekness means understanding the strength that comes from humility and trusting in God’s plan. It is about knowing when to speak and when to listen, showing patience in the face of adversity, and treating others with kindness and respect, regardless of the circumstances.

Consider the story of Nelson Mandela, who, despite enduring 27 years of imprisonment, emerged with a spirit of reconciliation rather than revenge. His ability to forgive and lead with humility exemplifies the strength of meekness. Mandela once said, “As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn’t leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I’d still be in prison.” Mandela’s life mirrors the biblical teaching that true freedom and strength lie in a meek and forgiving heart.

The takeaway from this exploration of meekness is clear: God calls us to embody meekness not as a sign of weakness, but as a testament to our faith and trust in Him. Meekness is a powerful tool for achieving peace, fostering harmonious relationships, and navigating life’s challenges with grace.

If you seek to incorporate meekness into your daily life, start by practicing patience, listening more than you speak, and trusting in God’s timing. Reflect on the teachings of Jesus and the examples set by modern-day heroes of meekness. Allow their stories to inspire you to live a life that glorifies God through humility and gentleness.

#embracemeekness #biblicalvalues #faithjourney #humility #strengththroughmeekness

Wilson Alvarez, a lover of Jesus Christ had an early experience where he had a vision of the Risen Lord & instantaneously became a believer at the prime age of 3. Throughout his young life, he always felt protection and blessings and even though was not walking with the Lord, always acknowledged his blessings. It was when he turned 30, that he became a follower and prayed based on John 3:3 – “In order to enter the Kingdom of God, you must be born again.” Mr. Alvarez enjoys Men’s ministries and is active in the prison ministry movement where he gives weekly leadership and Christian talks. For ministry opportunities, please reach him at info@godsfishermen.org