“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” Romans 3:23

We all know that sin is something inevitable in our lives. We were born with sin and one day, we will all eventually die with it as well. But even though this thought is true, God speaks to us in the book of Isiah saying:

31 but those who hope in the Lord

will renew their strength.

They will soar on wings like eagles;

they will run and not grow weary,

they will walk and not be faint.”

Although we cannot rid ourselves of sin completely, there are many ways that we can avoid it and defeat Satan in our daily lives.

It’s true, the world nowadays has been filled with sin like none other but the Lord is still able to work for us in many ways. Here are a few ways that we can defeat Satan:

  1. Reject pride at all times

Satan is the epitome of pride and by being boastful, we are glorifying Satan instead of Christ. But pride isn’t necessarily all bad in the context of being proud of what you have achieved and such, however, prideful acts such as racism which has been the cause of war, mass murders, and fights.

Pride has also gotten in the way of many Christians and their relationship with one another which has affected their relationship with the Lord which defeats the purpose of serving the Lord and finding our purpose in the congregation.

If you’re feeling like you can relate to this ask yourself, “why I feel like this, to begin with?” and pray to God for divine intervention. It is also best to seek guidance from our elders.

  1. Avoiding materialistic things

It is normal to want worldly things but when we fall in love with our earthly possessions and forget the Lord in the process, then we are slowly allowing Satan to take charge of our lives.

We must always remember that we cannot take these things with us when we pass but our good heart and deeds will be accounted in Heaven.

  1. Endure

There are a lot of tests and tribulations that Satan will throw to us in this life and we must always try to endure these through constant prayer and guidance. Yes, it won’t always be easy but we must always remember to trust in the Lord and to seek His intervention at all times.

What are other ways that you can defeat Satan in our daily lives?

Wilson Alvarez, a lover of Jesus Christ had an early experience where he had a vision of the Risen Lord & instantaneously became a believer at the prime age of 3. Through out his young life, he always felt protection and blessings and even though was not walking with the Lord, always acknowledged his blessings. It was when he turned 30, that he became a follower and prayed based on John 3:3 – “In order to enter the Kingdom of God, you must be born again.” Mr. Alvarez enjoys Men’s ministries and is active in the prison ministry movement where he gives weekly leadership and christian talks. For ministry opportunities, please reach him at info@godsfishermen.org