Presenting God’s Love to Others

Presenting God’s Love to Others

It is our duties as Christians to share the word of Christ unto others. His message is clear to us in Matthew 28:16-20- “Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some...
How to Be Saved in Christianity

How to Be Saved in Christianity

Everyone wants to be saved but not everyone actually knows how we can be saved. But actually, just the mere thought of wanting to be saved is already the first step. As little children, we were told the story of Adam and Eve, the wonderful life sin-free life they...
Recognizing Your Limitations as a Christian

Recognizing Your Limitations as a Christian

First of all, God did not create us to be exactly like Him therefore, we were made with our own set of limitations and boundaries. As we were made with limitations, we were also created weak and fragile- constantly seeking for survival, strength, divine intervention,...
Repentance in Christianity

Repentance in Christianity

Why do we sin? I’m sure this a question we’ve all asked ourselves, or others, at one point or another. Moreover, why can’t we stop sinning especially if we know that it is wrong? In the book of Romans, Paul, the apostle, also shares his own frustrations saying, “For...
Say Everything in the Love of Christ

Say Everything in the Love of Christ

What is it to talk like a Christian? James tells us this: “Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and make a profit” –yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you...
Your Journey with Jesus

Your Journey with Jesus

Everyone has their own journey with Christ. Some may have found Him very early on in their lives while a few may have found them a little later on, some might not have even found Him yet and that is fine. We all have our own journey, own paths, own stories and...