The Darkness over the Land

The Darkness over the Land

The “darkness over the land” during Jesus’ crucifixion is often understood as a supernatural event, a sign from God to mark the significance of Jesus’ death. According to Matthew 27:45, Mark 15:33, and Luke 23:44-45, the darkness lasted from...


Luke 10 Jesus Sends Out the Seventy-two 1 After this, the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go. 2 He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the...
Seek and You Will Find

Seek and You Will Find

Do you pray? Do you want to pray? Some people would love to pray but they just don’t know how. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Some of us weren’t taught how to pray, we were just told to do so. Thankfully the instructions for praying are found in the Bible Luke...
Your Journey with Jesus

Your Journey with Jesus

Everyone has their own journey with Christ. Some may have found Him very early on in their lives while a few may have found them a little later on, some might not have even found Him yet and that is fine. We all have our own journey, own paths, own stories and...
The Authority of God

The Authority of God

Here are a couple of questions for us to ponder on: do we understand the role that Christ plays (or wants to play) in our lives? And if we do, are we allowing Him to play those parts? Let us look to the bible to see what these roles are: A Planner “For I know the...