The Humanity in Jesus

The pericardium is a sac that surrounds the human heart. It has an inner and an outer layer with a small amount of fluid between them. Under extreme stress, the amount of watery fluid between these layers increases until the heart is constricted and unable to beat....

Grouping Suggestions

Here is our grouping recommendations. Frequency Remember, we must meet on a weekly basis. Continuity is good, meeting every week keeps the momentum going. Out of state out of mind? You really never want to be in that situation.  The more you meet and fellowship, the...

Order of the End Times

According to the scriptures, we have compiled to the best of our ability the order in which the “End of Times” will take place. 1. Wars & More Rumors of Wars, Earthquakes, Famine Matthew 24 2. Antisemitism (Animosity towards the Jews) Zechariah 12:2-3...

Sue’s Testimony

Revmeolord  is a prayer warrior we met through America Online. She shared her testimony through the AOL community and I asked if we can post it here.  Her powerful daily prayers should be part of everyone’s lives. Dear Friends, I would like to take a moment a...