About Us

God’s Fishermen.com started as a thought. I was re-introduced to Christ at the age of 30. I am very involved in men’s ministry within my church, & found the need to reach out to others outside of my church. I had received some comments from other church members within my community that  they were lacking a men’s ministry program. This is when I dreamed about God’s Fishermen Ministries.   Even though that has not come to fruition yet, I believe that we have the right program to help other churches start a men’s ministry program.  So far, our presence is just the internet. We receive comments and requests and we answer them to the best of our ability.

Accountability Groups, Bible Study’s and our “open forum” has been tested again & again. My small “God’s Fishermen’s” group meet in a weekly basis.  Our format in a nutshell is as follows: Fellowship, Open Forum, Bible Study. It’s that simple.

Interested in sharing your testimony?

If you are interested in sharing your testimony with us, please do so by filling out the form below. Please note that this testimony will be posted within this God’s Fishermen website in the Testimony’s section.

You agree and understand that this testimony sent will be submitted and posted in this website under the Testimonies section.