
Sue’s Testimony

Revmeolord  is a prayer warrior
I met  through America Online

She shared her testimony through the AOL
community and I asked if we can post it here.  Her powerful daily
prayers should be part of everyones lives. 

Dear Friends,

I would like to take a moment a share with you my testimony. I have
been writing to you for a few months now and realized that I haven’t let
you know at all where I was coming from. So here it is:

I was raised in basically Non- Denomination churches, but attend Assembly
of God. Just to clear up right now I am not in to titles. I believe that
God is looking for a church without spot or wrinkle, not any denomination.
I believe in what the Jesus says in John
3:3 ( Most assuredly, I say unto you, unless one is born again, he cannot
see the kingdom of God.)
  I stand on that. I gave my heart to
the Lord when I was 9yrs old at a children crusade. I wandered away from
the Lord during my teenage years, but not for long. I rededicated my heart
to the Lord when I was 16 yrs old. I was called into the prison ministry
when I was 17 yrs old.  When I was 18 I went to Arkansas due to a
situation that had happened to me.  I met this man who 6 weeks later
I ended up marrying. The night I met him he went home and told his mother
he met his wife. We later discovered that we both carried a journal throughout
the years. During the most troublesome time of my life to date, My husband
wrote in his journal this: The Lord told me tonight to pray for wife. One
year later I met him. We have been married for 13 years this June 16th.
We had planned on not having any children for about 2 yrs, but the Lord
had other plans. I had my daughter just 9and a half monthes later. When
she turned 21 mos I gave birth to my son and four months later I had a
heart attack. The Dr said no more children, so you see had we waited I
would not have any children now. When God wants something He does it. I
had open heart surgery shortly after my heart attack. Then 2 years later
I sat be side my sons bed side as the Dr. told me that he may not live
through the night. God gave my son back to me on Memorial day 8 yrs ago.
PTL what a blessing he has been to me.  I kind of went through a dry
spell I guess you would call it. I was ministering any more and I guess
I was a bit rebellious. Once again the Lord had a plan: My husband wanted
to buy a computer this year and I was not to excited about it, but I went
along with it. Well who would of known that I would get on here and 6 months
later doing what I am now. Of course the enemy has tried to come against
me doing this but through your prayers and your encouraging letters of
support, you have kepted me going. For this I thank you and Love you. Through
your obedience to the Lord it has encouraged me to be obedient. Well I
hope you are not upset that I have taken up so much of your time, but I
felt the need to share with you.

God Bless you all,

RevMeOLord (Sue)

37: 3-5