Bringing Your Bible to Work

Bringing your bible to work is a sensitive topic among society. Christians strongly believe they have the right to bring their bible to work with them, while others frown upon it. The United States allows all citizens to have freedom. Unfortunately, Christians are facing a difficult time in history regarding their freedom. The government has often ruled in the favor of society forcing Christians to remove historical and Christian related symbols in public places in specific counties throughout the United States.

What about the workplace? Some privately owned companies frown upon bringing your bible to work and discussing religion with co-workers. Employees are primarily protected by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. However, as a Christian you still might find it difficult to spread the word. It is often challenging for Christians to mention God or religion to co-workers. Occasionally some employees have reported their Christian co-workers to management and the human resource department for harassment.

In the past, many missionaries have gone through difficult times trying to plant seeds of Christianity. Many Christians are experiencing the same situation today. Although “frowning” upon bringing the bible to work and spreading seeds does not interfere with your civil rights, you still might have to find creative ways to speak to co-workers and spread the word. Consider the following tips when spreading seeds at your workplace.

  • Lead by Example – Some of the most profound teachers in the bible led by example. Christians naturally follow the laws of the commandments. Following rules, being kind to others, showing forgiveness, kindness, and love to others is an excellent way to lead by example. Sticking to making a righteous decision when everyone else is making other decisions might not be easy for you, but it shines a spotlight on how a Christian should treat others.
  • Quote Bible Verses – Quoting bible verses doesn’t have to be obvious. You don’t even have to provide any details. For example, Luke 6:31 states the common heard verse “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” Using this bible verse in a business office could come in handy when co-workers are being aggressive towards others. You can simply sneak this verse into conversation with a co-worker to help guide them on the Christian path. You don’t have to mention “Luke 6:31.”

Many Christians might feel this is a sneaky way to drop seeds, but sometimes it is necessary for a business environment, especially when some businesses frown upon religious discussions at work. There are plenty of beneficial bible verses that you can refer to in a casual way when talking with your co-workers. Sometimes if you say the same verse several times, it becomes the office catchphrase. As a Christian, you can find many ways to drop seeds of Christianity at work without being too forward. What are your favorite ways to spread the word with co-workers?