According to the scriptures, we have compiled to the best of our ability the order in which the “End of Times” will take place.

1. Wars & More Rumors of Wars, Earthquakes, Famine Matthew 24
2. Antisemitism (Animosity towards the Jews) Zechariah 12:2-3
3. False Teachings Matthew 24
4. Gap Between Generations (Children & Parents)No Revival Matthew 242Thessalonians 2:1-3 2Timothy 4:3-4
5. Liberalism Matthew 24
6. Apostasy 2Thessalonians 2:3 Matthew 24
7. Rapture  (Jesus does NOT touch the Earth)24 Elders 1Thessalonians 4:13-18 Matthew 24Revelation 4:4
8. Bema Seat (Judgment of Christians(Rewards)) Revelation 20:11
9. Wedding of the Lamb Revelation 19:7-9
10. Gog & Magog (Russia & Everybody comes against Israel) Ezequiel 38, & 39
11. Anti-Christ Revealed Daniel 7:24 2Thessalonians 2:1-3 Revelation 6:1
12. Seven (7) Year Peace Treaty (Jerusalem Solution) Daniel 9:27
13. Building of Third Temple (1st was Salomon & 2nd was Surbazel {Herod} Daniel 9:25
14. Power Given to Anti-Christ by World Leaders (Begin Tribulation of 3.5Yrs)(False World Peace & One-World Government) Daniel  7:23
15. Anti-Christ Breaks Pact (Mid Tribulation & for the last 3.5Yrs) The Anti-Christ enters the Holy of Holies as “god”) IIThessalonians 2:6-9 1Thessalonians 4:16 Revelation 7:1-7 Revelation 11:1-14
16. Judgment Falls Upon the Earth (Plagues & All Hell breaks loose) Revelation 6:12-17
17. False Prophet (One World Religion) Revelation 13:11-15
18. The Mark of the Beast “666” or OTHER {to be determined} Revelation 13:16-18
19. Armageddon Revelation 16:12-16 Revelation 19:11-21
20. Second Coming (Visible & Saving Israel) Zechariah 14:1-9 John 14:1-3 Revelation 1:7
21. Anti-Christ & False Prophet are Destroyed (Lake of Fire) Revelation 19:19-20
22. Judgment of Nations Start of Millennium Revelation 8:7-13 Revelation 20:4
23. Satan is thrown in Abyss (Dispensation always needs to be tested) Revelation 20:3
24. Start of 1000 Years (Kingdom of Christ on Earth) Revelation 20:4
25. We Rule with HIM Matthew 8:11 Luke 13:29 Revelation 20:6
26. At End of the 1000 Years, Satan is let loose & man rebels again Revelation 20:7-8
27. Judgment Falls & God Wins Again Revelation 20:9-10
28. The Earth is Purified Isaiah 65:17 Revelation 20:11
29. The White Throne Judgment (Book of Life & Final Judgment) Revelation 20:12-13
30. Lake of Fire (Satan, his angels, & the lost go there for eternity) Revelation 20:14
31. New Heaven & New Earth (New Jerusalem) Revelation 21:1
32. Eternity with God (We will see HIS face) Revelation 22:4-5